19 04 2022

Nutri2Cycle Lighthouse Network: Demonstrating nutrient and carbon recycling in EU agriculture in practice

The Nutri2Cycle project aims to close the existing carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) flows, proposing an integrated approach to create a more efficient and sustainable farm business models for nutrient recovery and recycling. With the aim to put theory in action, the Nutri2Cycle consortium is organizing a series of webinars, which are intended to present the lighthouse prototypes of nutrient management approaches and innovation. The lighthouse demos will demonstrate the research outcomes at relevant pilot, field, farm scale in order to assess the technical feasibility of the proposed solutions and favor their transferability  across the EU regions. 

19 April 2022 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET

The first day of the webinar series will focus on two aspects: (i) innovative management systems, tools and practices for optimized nutrient and GHG management in animal husbandry and (ii) novel animal feeds produced from agro-residues. 


  • Farm-scale anaerobic digestion of agro-residues/pig manure to increase local nutrient cycling & improve nutrient use efficiency, Sander Vandendriessche, Inagro
  • Adapted stable construction for separated collection of solid manure and urine in pig housing (followed by separate post-processing), Erik Meers, Ghent University, Geert Vermeulen, Vermeulen Construct
  • Crop farmer using a variety of manure and dairy processing residues to recycle and build soil C, N, P fertility, Patrick Forrestal, Teagasc
  • Floating wetland plants grown on liquid agro-residues as a new source of proteins, Reindert Devlamynck, Inagro
  • Algae grown on liquid agro-residues as a new source of proteins, Marcella Fernandez de Souza, Ghent University



If you want to know more on the following webinars, take a peek here!



19 April 2022 - 19 March 2022