22 09 2020

Circu City Summer school running smoothly!

The summer school on Circular Cities is half-way now and running smoothly! A diverse group of students makes up the Circu City population of this 2020 edition: not only students from the SINReM Circular Societies track and IMETE students, but also a complementary set of external students. 55 students in total, 33 nationalities, calling in from 3 different time zones! […]

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Whereas the first week of the schedule mainly consisted of lectures and some group work, the second week really focusses on the city district re-design tournament.
A highlight this week was the ‘cultural intervention’ by singer-songwriter SIOEN. He gave a wonderful ‘view from within’ as a passionate habitant of our case study study district Ghent (Belgium).
We are very much looking forward to the solutions that the students will present on the complexity of the water / energy / raw materials household of their case study.

To be continued…!