12 04 2019

Get the latest from Pilots4U

Pilots4U project is creating a Europe-wide map of all pilot and demonstration infrastructures that are open access: equipment ready to scale up at the fingertips of each entrepreneur.

The Pilots4U database allows the entrepreneur to look for pilot facilities close-by or for facilities specialised in certain bio-economy disciplines. This simplifies the scale-up of new bio-based processes, as it eliminates the hassle and stress of hardware investments and of finding staff with scale-up expertise at this stage of the process.  […]

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Worrying can be postponed until the process has been techno-economically proven at larger scale, when regulatory hurdles have been taken, the business case is largely de-risked, and a production facility has to be built. Open access pilot facilities can thus be regarded as shared investments in pilot equipment and expertise.

Join the network, either as an open access facility owner or as a user of open access facilities to bring your innovation to the next level!

Do you want to know more on the project? Read the newsletter to be updated on its activities and achieved results!