
  • Type of publication

Systemic – Report on the outcomes of workshop 2
Systemic – D3.7 Report on application of the Business Development Package to ten outreach locations
Systemic – D3.6 Business Development package including manual and guiding materials
Systemic – D3.4 Market Research in Europe
Systemic – D3.2 Report with scenario’s and schemes of proven NRR techniques
Systemic – Report with scenario’s and schemes of proven NRR techniques: first version
Systemic – D.2.7 Report on Business Model Development and Application to Five Demonstration Plants
Systemic – Report on Life Cycle Assessment
Systemic – D.2.4 Final report on the development and application of economic key performance indicators (KPIs)
Systemic -D.2.2 Business Case Evaluation Report
Systemic – Report on regulations governing AD and NRR in EU member states
Systemic – Construction, monitoring, and demonstration activities at the demonstration plants (year 4)