PROLIFIC: New bio-based value chains from agro-industrial side-streams

PROLIFIC is a BBI JU funded research and innovation action. A consortium gathering 18 partners develops and applies new processes and technological solutions to transform agro-industrial residues into higher value products. Our cascading approach extracts proteins and bioactive molecules from legumes, fungi and coffee agro-industrial side-streams. […]

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PROLIFIC: Greener and functional plastic packaging

There is great potential for green innovations of plastic packaging. Already in its first public workshop “Residual Biomasses for Eco-compatible and Sustainable Food Packaging” Prolific explored the various options to produce and apply bio-based polymers or biomass-derived fillers. Further efforts are directed towards improving the shelf-life of perishable goods by functional packaging. The encapsulation of active compounds like polyphenols, or coatings containing chitosan potentially bring anti-bacterial, anti-fungal or antioxidant properties. […]

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Latest updates from RECOVER

RECOVER is a 4-year project started on 1st June 2020 that scales up an innovative biotech solution for the non-recyclable plastic packaging and agricultural films waste streams, based on the combination of plastic-degrading microorganisms, novel enzymes, earthworms and insects resulting in new feedstocks, chitin and chitosan for plastics and coatings, new fertilizers for the primary sector and bio-based industries. […]

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Ecofunco Multi stakeholders platform

After months of research, ECOFUNCO is ready to share its Multi-stakeholders platform. The platform has been thought as a collection of already existing and verified sources, such as open platforms to find partners for collaborations, and lists of websites and key actors providing verified data on the sector of bio-based economy, with a specific attention to bio-based coatings and bioplastics. […]

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2.5 years of the EU project Pro-Enrich: developing new proteins and bioactive ingredients

The Pro-Enrich project is an EU funded BBI-JU project (GA792050) active since May 2018. During this time, its 16 partners have been working to develop novel functional proteins and bioactive ingredients from rapeseed, olive, tomato, and citrus fruit side streams, which will have applications in food, cosmetics, pet food and adhesives. […]

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