Circular Economy: A multidimensional approach to valorise roadside grass clippings

The Grassification close-out event was held on Thursday 21 October in an hybrid format, ensuring attendance both in person and online. The event was aimed at presenting the project’s multi-dimensional approach to valorise the roadside grass clippings, the valuable solutions implemented and their impact to optimize the different levels of the value chain for the bio-based and circular economy.


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Outcomes of the Grassification webinar on novel end-products from grass fibres

The Grassification project is aimed at valorizing roadside grass clippings as renewable feedstock in industrial processes and demonstrating the economic potential for products resulting from its refining. During the webinar, project partners showcased the possibilities and feasibility of producing different building materials and landscape infrastructures from grass fibres. Not only results from the project were presented, but also interesting practices from the market. […]

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Grassification Final Activities

Even though the Grassification project will end on November, 2021, the project partners still have some exciting developments being carried out in these final months to make sure we cover the maximum amount of aspects to enable the use of roadside grass clippings as a resource! Check out below the ongoing activities and be sure to follow Grassification project website and newsletter to learn about the final outcomes. […]

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