PROLIFIC: New bio-based value chains from agro-industrial side-streams

PROLIFIC is a BBI JU funded research and innovation action. A consortium gathering 18 partners develops and applies new processes and technological solutions to transform agro-industrial residues into higher value products. Our cascading approach extracts proteins and bioactive molecules from legumes, fungi and coffee agro-industrial side-streams. […]

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PROLIFIC: Greener and functional plastic packaging

There is great potential for green innovations of plastic packaging. Already in its first public workshop “Residual Biomasses for Eco-compatible and Sustainable Food Packaging” Prolific explored the various options to produce and apply bio-based polymers or biomass-derived fillers. Further efforts are directed towards improving the shelf-life of perishable goods by functional packaging. The encapsulation of active compounds like polyphenols, or coatings containing chitosan potentially bring anti-bacterial, anti-fungal or antioxidant properties. […]

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Latest updates from RECOVER

RECOVER is a 4-year project started on 1st June 2020 that scales up an innovative biotech solution for the non-recyclable plastic packaging and agricultural films waste streams, based on the combination of plastic-degrading microorganisms, novel enzymes, earthworms and insects resulting in new feedstocks, chitin and chitosan for plastics and coatings, new fertilizers for the primary sector and bio-based industries. […]

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