Biorefine Conference ‘The role of biorefineries in European agriculture’

On 30th and 31st May, the Biorefine Cluster Europe held the first edition of its Biorefine Conference ‘The role of biorefineries in European agriculture’, partner event of the EU Green Week 2022.

Nutrient recycling and recovery, renewable energy, water recovery and use, biomaterials & eco-design, biochemicals and value chain assessment were at the core of the event, which gathered about 100 people actively involved in circular economy. […]

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Circular Agronomics: investigating different innovative technologies to close nutrient loops

At Circular Agronomics we aim to reduce environmental impacts by maintaining agricultural productivity. Therefore, we have investigated different innovative technologies to close nutrient loops, increase their efficiency in usage and reduce associated emissions. Several processes were piloted since the project’s start. The next step is to extrapolate our findings from the pilot-scale to existing large-scale operations. […]

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RDFs have potential in greenhouses

During earlier project trials, RDFs have been tested in agricultural crops and showed high potential for mineral fertiliser replacement. As quite some mineral fertiliser is used in greenhouses, they represent the second biggest market for possible RDF uptake. Therefore, as greenhouse require pure products, some of the most pure RDFs, namely ammonium nitrate from ammonia stripping and ammonium sulphate from chemical air washers, were then selected for greenhouse trials. […]

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Joint Position of European Projects On the need for an unambiguous definition by the European Commission regarding the waste/manure status of ammonium salts derived from off-gas cleaning associated to treatment of manure or manure-derived products


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