Circular Economy: A multidimensional approach to valorise roadside grass clippings

The Grassification close-out event was held on Thursday 21 October in an hybrid format, ensuring attendance both in person and online. The event was aimed at presenting the project’s multi-dimensional approach to valorise the roadside grass clippings, the valuable solutions implemented and their impact to optimize the different levels of the value chain for the bio-based and circular economy.


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LEX4BIO and FERTIMANURE at the International Conference on Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation

Within the framework of the 2nd International Conference Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation – Water, Raw Materials & Energy, LEX4BIO and FERTIMANURE, two H2020 projects dealing with the sustainable and circular management of the nutrients-rich waste, are organising a joint event entitled “Bio-based fertilizers of the Future’. The event will take place online on 9 December 2021, 9.00-11.00 CET. […]

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Final workshops of the Run4Life project

On November 30th, after 4.5 well-spent years, the Run4Life project comes to an end. The 15 partners of the Run4Life consortium have been working the recovery of fertiliser products from source-separated wastewater systems, demonstrating this concept in four cities in Europe. During this last month everyone is busy finalising project reports, and also several events take place. The project’s final General Assembly meeting takes place on November 24-25th in the RecoLab in Helsingborg and online. Different municipalities and other stakeholders will gather on November 25th for a workshop on replication of the Run4Life concept to other cities, and November 30th closes with the third Innovation Workshop. […]

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WalNUT, the European project that works on producing commercial and sustainable bio-based fertilisers

On the 7th of September 2021, CARTIF Technology Centre chaired the first meeting of the WalNUT project.
• 14 partners from 8 different EU countries are joining their forces to address the current gap in nutrient cycles of different European wastewater treatment systems and their related environmental problems.
• The environmental and socio-economic impacts of the fertilisers’ value chains will be quantified through a life-cycle assessment […]

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ReNu2Farm Cap Initiative: take part in our survey!

ReNu2Farm Capitalisation Initiative is widening the scope of the ReNu2Farm project with the aim to stimulate new markets for increased RDF (Recycling-Derived Fertilizer) use and decrease mineral fertiliser usage in North-West Europe. The new focus lies with horticulture sector, which represents the largest RDF sales market after agriculture, and the private/recreational sectors. […]

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