Grass2Algae – progress from the first half of the project!

Grass2Algae is an Operational Group funded by the Flemish Department of Agricultural and Fisheries with the aim of creating value from waste grass from farms, i.e., clippings from the edges of fields or with too low quality for feed purposes. For that, Grass2Algae proposes a first pressing step to separate the juice from the fibers. The fibers can then be used as an input for anaerobic digestion or be sold as a feedstock for the production of biomaterials. And the juice can be used for producing microalgae! […]

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Invitation to German-Luxembourgian INTERREG V B NWE ReNu2Farm demonstration event

The Interreg Northwest Europe Project – ReNu2Farm [Nutrient Recycling from pilot production to farms and fields] is organising a German-Luxembourgian online demonstration event on 01.07.2021 from 19.30 – 21.00 for stakeholders from agriculture, biogas sector, fertiliser production & distribution companies and interested parties. […]

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