Phos4You: Demonstrator to recover Phosphorus from waste water currently being operated at University of Liège

A new process called PULSE (Phosphorus ULiège Sludge Extraction) for recovery of phosphorous (P) from dried sewage sludge has been developed at ULiège within the framework of the Phos4You project. The research work is jointly funded by Interreg North-West Europe and Walloon region. […]

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GRASS2ALGAE – Recycling nutrient from grass clippings for the production of circular proteins

In 2020, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Flanders) launched a call for the submission of project proposals from operational groups within the framework of the Rural Development Programming Document. In total, twenty-four operational groups in different sectors were selected, including our very own Grass2Algae in the Circular Economy topic. […]

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BCE webinar series

Due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, the Biorefine Cluster Europe is developing innovative ways to continue engaging and informing you on project activities and results from our community.

To this aim, the Biorefine Cluster Europe launched the ‘BCE webinar series’, a platform offering additional inspiration and exchange of views around biobased resource recovery from nutrient recycling to water recovery, from renewable energy to value chain assessment, from biochemicals to biomaterials. […]

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LIFE DOP :Demonstrative mOdel of circular economy Process in high quality dairy industry

The LIFE DOP project (Demonstrative mOdel of circular economy Process in  high quality dairy industry) is a EU project, located in Mantua district, in the middle of the cheese production chain, aiming to demonstrate a new production model for Grana Padano PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and Parmigiano Reggiano PDO, able to reduce the environmental impacts of production. As literature clearly outlines, (Thoma et al., 2012, IPCC 2006) a relevant area of GHG emission in milk production is the management of slurry and of nutrients, and these are key areas in which is important to invest to reduce burdens. […]

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ReNuMaps tool and full report now available online – insights in recycling-derived fertiliser demand

ReNu2Farm aims to increase recycling rates of the main plant nutrients, N, P and K, by focusing on the demand of farmers. A study carried out within ReNu2Farm in 2019 under the lead of researchers from NMI (NL) and CIT Cork (IRE) is now published online and in full length. The work was previously presented at several meetings and conferences (e.g. ManuResource 2019 and recently at the International Fertiliser Society Webinar) where it received great interest from stakeholders, in particular policy makers and producers of recycling-derived fertilisers. […]

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Virtual Conference – Moving Towards a Competitive European Bioeconomy: Emerging Biorefinery Technologies & Pathways to Deployment, 17 February 2021

Virtual Conference – Moving Towards a Competitive European Bioeconomy:

Emerging Biorefinery Technologies & Pathways to Deployment, 17 February 2021 […]

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Latest news from Run4Life

Run4Life is an EU project focused on recovering fertilisers from source-separated domestic wastewaters and kitchen waste. A consortium of technology provides, end users, universities, public utilities and social sciences experts work together to innovate and apply technologies at four full scale demonstration sites in Europe: Nieuwe Dokken in Ghent (BE), Oceanhamnen in Helsingborg (SE), Lemmerweg in Sneek (NL) and Porto do Molle in Vigo (ES). The consortium works on technology and product development and on the integration and success of the new concepts in society through for instance social and market acceptance. At the sites different combinations of technologies and products are demonstrated. […]

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FertiCycle 1st ‘Virtual Winter-school’ in collaboration with Nutri2Cycle. S1 – Waste processing and up-cycling concepts

Research on the management, treatment and up-cycling of bio-waste into valuable bio-based fertiliser products is currently one of the hot topics in the Bioeconomy sector. […]

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