‘Fertilisers from wastewater’ an award winning concept

Run4Life is an EU project focused on recovering fertilisers from domestic wastewaters and kitchen waste. By separating toilet-wastewater (black water), other domestic wastewater (grey water) and kitchen waste at the source, nutrients can more efficiently be recovered. With the technologies applied in Run4Life the nutrients from the toilet-wastewater and kitchen waste are safely converted into fertiliser products. In 4 cities in Europe this concept is applied at full scale in different configurations. […]

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Using waste nutrients to cultivate microalgae – Swansea team publishes new report

A Swansea University team has published a new article, detailing a novel approach to reuse food and farm waste at an industrial scale, using microalgae.

The paper explains the ways in which algae can be cultivated using excess nutrients, the optimum two-step approach used to maximise productivity, and how this biomass is optimally suited for use as an animal feed ingredient. […]

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The FILTRAFLOTM-P reactor to recover P from wastewater through a filtration/adsorption process

Within Phos4You, the Environmental Research Institute, Scotland has been developing the FILTRAFLOTM-P reactor together with Veolia, France to recover P from wastewater through a filtration/adsorption process.   […]

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Phos4You Videos: Phosphorus recovery from waste water

The INTERREG NWE project Phos4You demonstrates about 7 different technologies for P-recovery from waste water. The technology processes are set up at the partner’s locations, partly at urban waste water treatment plants, partly at rural locations depending on the territorial context. For each technology a short video is made to show challenges and implementation of different solutions.  […]

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ReNu2Farm agronomic trial protocols for evaluation of recycling-derived fertilisers now online

The ReNu2Farm project aims to increase the use of recycling-derived fertilisers such as composts, ammonium salts, mineral concentrates, digestates, and struvite. This will reduce the use of non-renewable rock phosphate and energy-intensively produced mineral nitrogen fertilisers. For farmers, knowledge of the agronomic value of a fertiliser is crucial. The agronomic value comprises above all, the nutrient value: How high is the nutrient content, and how plant-available are these nutrients? Other aspects are the lime as well as the organic matter value. Also, farmers need to be sure that the fertiliser product is safe and does not contain pollutants such as heavy metals or pathogens. […]

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