Circular Economy in action: Using digestate to cultivate microalgae for fish and animal feed

ALG-AD is exploring ways to develop a circular approach to microalgae cultivation, utilising the by products from the AD/biogas industry, to generate products of value for another.
The team have built three facilities which are already using the nutrients in digestate to cultivate microalgae.
So far, the ALG-AD team have focussed on production of biomass for use as an animal feed, however additional funding has been allocated to the team to expand on the work already done to also cultivate algae for use as a fish feed. […]

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NUTRIMAN: conversion application-driven science into user-driven “ready-for-practice”

NUTRIMAN is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus recovery thematic network compiling knowledge of “ready-for-practice” recovered bio-based fertilizer technologies, products, applications, and practices for the interest and benefit of agricultural practitioners. The NUTRIMAN thematic network focus on summarizing, sharing, and presenting existing best practices and research findings that are more or less ready for practice, but not sufficiently known or used by practitioners yet. […]

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Technical proposals for the safe use of processed manure above the threshold established for nitrate vulnerable Zones by the Nitrate Directive

The final JRC report on ‘ Technical proposals for the safe use of processed manure above the threshold established for nitrate vulnerable Zones by the Nitrate Directive’ has been recently published.


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A fantastic showcase of CIT and Interreg NWE research at CERI2020

Researchers in Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) put on a fantastic showcase of their Interreg North-West Europe research projects at the CERI2020 conference.  The Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI2020) was held virtually on 27th-28th August 2020. Although originally intended to be held in CIT, due to the Coronavirus restrictions it moved entirely on-line. […]

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Valorising nutrient-rich digestate: Dilution, settlement and membrane filtration processing for optimisation as a waste-based media for microalgal cultivation.

Swansea University research team (Fernandes, F et al, 2020) published the peer review scientific paper with the title: ‘Valorising nutrient-rich digestate: Dilution, settlement and membrane filtration processing for optimisation as a waste-based media for microalgal cultivation’.

This paper demonstrated the research related to the processing of Anaerobic digestate to be ready for a use as a nutrient source for the algal cultivation process in mass scale. […]

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Five waterboards in North Rhine-Westphalia join forces for P recovery from sewage sludge ashes

Some of the issues dealt with in Phos4You will be further pursued in a national funding project. The water boards Ruhrverband (Lead Partner), Emschergenossenschaft, Lippeverband, Wupperverband and Linksniederrheinische  Entwässerungs-Genossenschaft have joined forces to develop a regional effective phosphorus recycling. […]

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A regulatory review on the use of digestate to cultivate algal biomass for animal feed

The NNFCC in the scope of ALG-AD project produced a first report exploring EU legislation relevant to the microalgae production value chain, focusing on the rules that apply to microalgae for use as feed material. This document will be soon publicly available. […]

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Biorefinery Glas – A Farmer-centric Bioeconomy Approach

Over the last 12 months, Biorefinery Glas, one of Europe’s first small-scale biorefinery demonstration projects, has been working with farmers in Ireland to show how new products and revenue streams can be created using a new farmer-centric bioeconomy approach. Core project partners include research institutes (Institute of Technology, Tralee and University College Dublin) and agri-food organisations (Carbery Group and Barryroe Co-operative), along with core technology partner GRASSA BV.  […]

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Investment site 3 : General introduction and operation during COVID-19 crisis

The Investment site 3 of Interreg NWE ALG-AD project is located within the premises of Innolab CVBA, Oostkamp, Belgium (about 90 km North-West of Brussels). The pilot facility is accommodated in a polycarbonate greenhouse and is comprised of a bag (paper) filtration unit for liquid fraction of digestate pre-treatment, a 2600-litre vertical reactor (VR) and a 600-litre horizontal bioreactor (HR) operated in batch mode. A mixed culture of Chlorella sp. and Desmodesmus sp. has been selected for the  pilot-scale investigations after a pre-screening research from five different microalgal species conducted at labs of Ghent University (UGent). […]

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