An 800-litre photobioreactor installed at INNOLAB premises as part of the ALG-AD project

An 800-litre photobioreactor was installed at INNOLAB premises, Oostkamp (Belgium), as part of the Investment site 3 of the ongoing Interreg NWE project ALG-AD. The first phase of construction and water testing was successfully completed during the third week of June. […]

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Glasgow Caledonian University hosted European partnership and showcased innovative P recovery procedure with microalgae.

On 7th and 8th May 2019, Glasgow Caledonian University hosted European partnership in Glasgow, Scotland and showcased innovative P recovery procedure with microalgae.

The 5th Phos4You working group meeting was filled up with intense work. […]

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ReNu2Farm in Ireland’s largest environmental conference, Environ 2019

Environ is the largest environmental conference occurring annually in Ireland. The event is organised via a collaboration between the Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland and a third level education organisation that undertakes its hosting.


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Participate in the SYSTEMIC survey!

The H2020 project SYSTEMIC will demonstrate a variety of technologies for the recovery of mineral nutrients (N, P, K) and for the production of various (nutrient-depleted) organic soil improvers and fertilizers. The implementation of nutrient recovery technologies allows plant owners to process biowaste into user-specific products for the regional market. […]

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Agrocycle: final stakeholder event

Agrocycle project is reaching its final stage and a large part of activities is about to be completed. The final stakeholder event was held in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine facility in Backweston near Dublin on March 29th with the participation of many relevant companies from the agri-food industry such as PepsiCo, Carbery, IRIS, Manor Farm and many more.  […]

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End-of-Waste: a new business platform for valorization of organic by-products from agro-bio-food sector.

Closing the loop of organic waste, while encouraging and facilitating Science-2-Business (S-2-B) collaborations. That is the main goal of the End-of-waste (EoW) platform, which tackles the challenge of valorization of organic by-products from agro-bio-food sector. […]

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