Sharing know-how for nutrient recovery from manure, biowaste and sludge

Delegates of fifteen biowaste treatment plants discuss together possibilities for nutrient recovery and reuse from manure, sewage and biowaste.
Ten outreach biowaste treatment plants were selected to improve their current practices. Five SYSTEMIC demonstration plants, already working in nutrient recovery, will facilitate the outreach plants in their process of business case development by sharing knowledge on nutrient recovery technologies and related financial and legislative issues. The project consortium will evaluate the envisaged business cases in terms of technological feasibility, economic viability and sustainability.  […]

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Using algae to promote agricultural sustainability and the circular economy 

Algae are being used to develop new technology to clean up waste. Scientists at Swansea University are leading on a €5.5 Million eco-innovative project. The ALG-AD project could potentially result in a circular economy solution whereby excess waste nutrients produced from anaerobic digestion of food and farm waste are used to cultivate algal biomass for animal feed and other products of value. […]

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New biobased business platform on End-of-Waste

Ghent University is traditionally strong in the domain of Circular Economy for different material groups – in particular in the field of creating value out of organic waste and by-pass flows Ghent University is the worldwide pioneer with a broad range of research groups working in these fields. The topic ‘Resource Recovery’ was recently structured under the umbrella of the Ghent University business unit “End-of-Waste” with the aim of investing in the multidisciplinary commercialisation routes in the domain of by-pass flows in agriculture, agro-industry, food industry, as well as biological waste(water)streams. […]

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Improving nutrient recycling in agriculture

Mineral nutrients are vital for producing the food on our plates, as well as for a wide variety of other products and materials which we use every day. Agricultural intensification using mineral fertilisers has allowed the world to sustain population growth and prosperity. However, the production of this type of fertiliser requires a lot of energy and the dependency on fossil resources needs to be re-thought. More attention must be paid to closing nutrient loops throughout the entire agro-food chain. The EIP-AGRI Focus Group (FG) on Nutrient Recycling brought together 20 experts to gather practical and scientific knowledge to discuss how to improve nutrient recycling in agriculture and discuss how biobased fertilisers can be better taken up in the market. […]

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Pilots4You Survey: Needs of the European bioeconomy sector regarding pilot and demonstration facilities

Have you brought, or are you looking to bring a bio-based, biorefinery or biotechnology innovation process towards commercialisation? We need your input to improve equipment and service provision in this important area. […]

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ManuREsource conference calls for more collaboration to reach the objectives of the circular economy

From 27 until 29 November, the third edition of ManuREsource took place at Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and welcomed more than 230 participants from 28 countries. At this third edition the legislative framework concerning manure has been addressed extensively in the presence of members of the European Commission DG ENVI and DG GROW. Economic feasibility, marketability of the products and public awareness remain the main obstacles for the transition to a circular manure processing. More collaboration, not only with the mineral fertilizer industry but also with agrofood concerns was mentioned by the attendees as a key condition. […]

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PHOS4YOU successfully launched by organizing the first European Nutrient Event

The project will test and introduce 6 industrial demonstration pilots at municipial wastewater treatment facilities in North-West Europe with the objective of recovering phosphorus as critical raw material (CRM) from wastewater.

The recovered phosphorus will be evaluated either for supplying to fertiliser industry for further processing or directly to farmers (case specific for each of the investigated cases). The event attracted a broad interest from across Europe. Other partners involved in hosting and supporting the event were DPP, ESPP and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of North-Western Switzerland. […]

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