Agricultural waste: a valuable resource

The population increase in the last decades has influenced the demand for food products from vegetal and animal origin and has brought with it the consequent industrialisation of agriculture in Europe. We are used to take for granted food availability without excessively questioning the impact of food production in our environment. But the truth is that our actions come with a price and one of the prices we pay is the enormous quantity of waste generated to feed our societies. Every year in Europe, millions of tonnes of crops and livestock resources go to waste.  […]

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Get the latest from Pilots4U

Pilots4U project is creating a Europe-wide map of all pilot and demonstration infrastructures that are open access: equipment ready to scale up at the fingertips of each entrepreneur.

The Pilots4U database allows the entrepreneur to look for pilot facilities close-by or for facilities specialised in certain bio-economy disciplines. This simplifies the scale-up of new bio-based processes, as it eliminates the hassle and stress of hardware investments and of finding staff with scale-up expertise at this stage of the process.  […]

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Sharing know-how for nutrient recovery from manure, biowaste and sludge

Delegates of fifteen biowaste treatment plants discuss together possibilities for nutrient recovery and reuse from manure, sewage and biowaste.
Ten outreach biowaste treatment plants were selected to improve their current practices. Five SYSTEMIC demonstration plants, already working in nutrient recovery, will facilitate the outreach plants in their process of business case development by sharing knowledge on nutrient recovery technologies and related financial and legislative issues. The project consortium will evaluate the envisaged business cases in terms of technological feasibility, economic viability and sustainability.  […]

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Using algae to promote agricultural sustainability and the circular economy 

Algae are being used to develop new technology to clean up waste. Scientists at Swansea University are leading on a €5.5 Million eco-innovative project. The ALG-AD project could potentially result in a circular economy solution whereby excess waste nutrients produced from anaerobic digestion of food and farm waste are used to cultivate algal biomass for animal feed and other products of value. […]

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Biogas Action Webinar – Biomethane in the Transition to a Clean Transport

Regional and Local authorities along with their implementing agencies have taken on the development of the European biogas/biomethane sector by focusing on removing the non-technical barriers and by creating better frameworks for the widespread production of biogas and biomethane. The BiogasAction H2020 project is supporting this momentum in 9 European regions and the increase of biomethane use in the transport sector has been a clear focus for some of these regions. Policy makers from all levels have started recognising the use of biomethane as a means to decarbonise the EU transport sector. […]

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ERGaR: European Renewable Gas Registry to facilitate the cross-border biomethane trade

The BIOSURF (Biomethane as Sustainable and Renewable Fuel – project has thoroughly studied the conditions for opening the whole European market for biomethane distributed through the natural gas network. It was concluded that an independent, professional and transparent administrative system is necessary to ensure market confidence and exclude double counting and double sale. The system is based on the cooperation of the national biomethane registries (presently in 8 European countries) and is designed to for easy expansion for all other states. […]

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