PROLIFIC: New bio-based value chains from agro-industrial side-streams

PROLIFIC is a BBI JU funded research and innovation action. A consortium gathering 18 partners develops and applies new processes and technological solutions to transform agro-industrial residues into higher value products. Our cascading approach extracts proteins and bioactive molecules from legumes, fungi and coffee agro-industrial side-streams. […]

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PROLIFIC: Greener and functional plastic packaging

There is great potential for green innovations of plastic packaging. Already in its first public workshop “Residual Biomasses for Eco-compatible and Sustainable Food Packaging” Prolific explored the various options to produce and apply bio-based polymers or biomass-derived fillers. Further efforts are directed towards improving the shelf-life of perishable goods by functional packaging. The encapsulation of active compounds like polyphenols, or coatings containing chitosan potentially bring anti-bacterial, anti-fungal or antioxidant properties. […]

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SCALIBUR – Scalable Technologies for Bio-urban Waste Recovery

Project Coordinator Instituto Tecnologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica, Spain Partners Aeris Tecnologias Ambientales SL, Spain    Asa Spezialenzyme GMBH, Germany Fundacion Cener, Spain  Cluster Viooikonomias Kai Perivallontos Dytikis Makedonias, Greece Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production GGMBH, Germany Exergy, United Kingdom Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas SA, Spain  Greenovate Europe!, Belgium Kour Energy SRL, Italy  Associazione Regionale Comuni […]

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